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  • Benjamin L Hlina. Author, maintainer.


Hlina, B.L., Birceanu, O., Robinson, C.S., Dhiyebi, H., Wilkie, M.P. 2021. The relationship between thermal physiology and lampricide sensitivity in larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). Journal of Great Lakes Research 47: S272-S284.

  title = {The relationship between thermal physiology and lampricide
         sensitivity in larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)},
  author = {Benjamin L. Hlina and Oana Birceanu and Christopher S. Robinson and Hadi Dhiyebi and Michael P. Wilkie},
  journal = {Journal of Great Lakes Research 47: S272-S284B.},
  year = {2021},