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Extract Bayesian estimates of similarities among groups produced by the following function overlap() in the package nicheROVER.


extract_overlap(data, name_a = NULL, name_b = NULL)



a array object containing matrices created by the function overlap() in the package nicheROVER.


character string to supply for the first sample_name used in overlap(). Defaults to "sample_name_a".


character string to supply for the second sample_name used in overlap(). Defaults to "sample_name_b".


A tibble containing five rows, sample_name_a, id, sample_name_b, sample_number, and niche_overlap.


extract_overlap(data = over_stat)
#> # A tibble: 16,000 × 6
#>    sample_name_a    id sample_name_b sample_number niche_overlap
#>    <chr>         <int> <chr>         <chr>                 <dbl>
#>  1 ARCS              1 ARCS          1                    NA    
#>  2 ARCS              1 BDWF          1                     0.073
#>  3 ARCS              1 LKWF          1                     0.787
#>  4 ARCS              1 LSCS          1                     0.737
#>  5 ARCS              1 ARCS          2                    NA    
#>  6 ARCS              1 BDWF          2                     0.049
#>  7 ARCS              1 LKWF          2                     0.484
#>  8 ARCS              1 LSCS          2                     0.671
#>  9 ARCS              1 ARCS          3                    NA    
#> 10 ARCS              1 BDWF          3                     0.095
#> # ℹ 15,990 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: niche_overlap_perc <dbl>