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Create priors for trophic position using a two source model with \(\alpha_r\) derived from Post 2002 and Heuvel et al. 2024.


  a = NULL,
  b = NULL,
  n1 = NULL,
  n1_sigma = NULL,
  n2 = NULL,
  n2_sigma = NULL,
  dn = NULL,
  dn_sigma = NULL,
  tp_lb = NULL,
  tp_ub = NULL,
  sigma_lb = NULL,
  sigma_ub = NULL,
  bp = FALSE



(\(\alpha\)) exponent of the random variable for beta distribution. Defaults to 1. See beta distribution for more information.


(\(\beta\)) shape parameter for beta distribution. Defaults to 1. See beta distribution for more information.


mean (\(\mu\)) prior for first \(\delta^{15}\)N baseline. Defaults to 8.0.


variance (\(\sigma\))for first \(\delta^{15}\)N baseline. Defaults to 1.


mean (\(\mu\)) prior for second \(\delta^{15}\)N baseline. Defaults to 9.5.


variance (\(\sigma\)) for second \(\delta^{15}\)N baseline. Defaults to 1.


mean (\(\mu\)) prior value for \(\Delta\)N. Defaults to 3.4.


variance (\(\sigma\)) for \(\delta^{15}\)N. Defaults to 0.5.


lower bound for priors for trophic position. Defaults to 2.


upper bound for priors for trophic position. Defaults to 10.


lower bound for priors for \(\sigma\). Defaults to 0.


upper bound for priors for \(\sigma\). Defaults to 10.


logical value that controls whether informed baseline priors are supplied to the model for \(\delta^{15}\)N baselines. Default is FALSE meaning the model will use uninformed priors, however, the supplied data.frame needs values for both \(\delta^{15}\)N baseline (n1 and n2)


stanvars object to be used with brms() call.


We will use the following equations derived from Post 2002 and Heuvel et al. 2024:

  1. $$\alpha = (\delta^{13} C_c - \delta ^{13}C_2) / (\delta ^{13}C_1 - \delta ^{13}C_2)$$

  2. $$\alpha = \alpha_r \times (\alpha_{max} - \alpha_{min}) + \alpha_{min}$$

  3. $$\delta^{15}N = \Delta N \times (tp - \lambda_1) + n_1 \times \alpha_r + n_2 \times (1 - \alpha_r)$$

  4. $$\delta^{15}N = \Delta N \times (tp - (\lambda_1 \times \alpha_r + \lambda_2 \times (1 - \alpha_r))) + n_1 \times \alpha_r + n_2 \times (1 - \alpha_r)$$

For equation 1)

This equation is a carbon source mixing model with \(\delta^{13}C_c\) is the isotopic value for consumer, \(\delta^{13}C_1\) is the mean isotopic value for baseline 1 and \(\delta^{13}C_2\) is the mean isotopic value for baseline 2. This equation is added to the data frame using add_alpha().

For equation 2)

\(\alpha\) is being corrected using equations in Heuvel et al. 2024 with \(\alpha_r\) being the corrected value (bound by 0 and 1), \(\alpha_{min}\) is the minimum \(\alpha\) value calculated using add_alpha() and \(\alpha_{max}\) being the maximum \(\alpha\) value calculated using add_alpha().

For equation 3) and 4)

\(\delta^{15}\)N are values from the consumer, \(n_1\) is \(\delta^{15}\)N values of baseline 1, \(n_2\) is \(\delta^{15}\)N values of baseline 2, \(\Delta\)N is the trophic discrimination factor for N (i.e., mean of 3.4), tp is trophic position, and \(\lambda_1\) and/or \(\lambda_2\) are the trophic levels of baselines which are often a primary consumer (e.g., 2 or 2.5).

This function allows the user to adjust the priors for the following variables in the equation above:

  • The random exponent (\(\alpha\); a) and shape parameters (\(\beta\); b) for \(\alpha_r\). This prior assumes a beta distribution.

  • The mean (n2;\(\mu\)) and variance (n2_sigma; \(\sigma\)) of the second \(\delta^{15}\)N for a given baseline. This prior assumes a normal distributions.

  • The mean (c1;\(\mu\)) and variance (c1_sigma; \(\sigma\)) of the second \(\delta^{13}\)C for a given baseline. This prior assumes a normal distributions.

  • The mean (c2;\(\mu\)) and variance (c2_sigma; \(\sigma\)) of the second \(\delta^{13}\)C for a given baseline. This prior assumes a normal distributions.

  • The mean (dn; \(\mu\)) and variance (dn_sigma; \(\sigma\)) of \(\Delta\)N (i.e, trophic enrichment factor). This prior assumes a normal distributions.

  • The lower (tp_lb) and upper (tp_ub) bounds for priors for trophic position. This prior assumes a uniform distributions.

  • The lower (sigma_lb) and upper (sigma_ub) bounds for variance (\(\sigma\)). This prior assumes a uniform distributions.


#> $a
#> $a$name
#> [1] "a"
#> $a$sdata
#> [1] 1
#> $a$scode
#> [1] "real a;"
#> $a$block
#> [1] "data"
#> $a$position
#> [1] "start"
#> $a$pll_args
#> [1] "data real a"
#> $b
#> $b$name
#> [1] "b"
#> $b$sdata
#> [1] 1
#> $b$scode
#> [1] "real b;"
#> $b$block
#> [1] "data"
#> $b$position
#> [1] "start"
#> $b$pll_args
#> [1] "data real b"
#> $dn
#> $dn$name
#> [1] "dn"
#> $dn$sdata
#> [1] 3.4
#> $dn$scode
#> [1] "real dn;"
#> $dn$block
#> [1] "data"
#> $dn$position
#> [1] "start"
#> $dn$pll_args
#> [1] "data real dn"
#> $dn_sigma
#> $dn_sigma$name
#> [1] "dn_sigma"
#> $dn_sigma$sdata
#> [1] 0.5
#> $dn_sigma$scode
#> [1] "real dn_sigma;"
#> $dn_sigma$block
#> [1] "data"
#> $dn_sigma$position
#> [1] "start"
#> $dn_sigma$pll_args
#> [1] "data real dn_sigma"
#> $tp_lb
#> $tp_lb$name
#> [1] "tp_lb"
#> $tp_lb$sdata
#> [1] 2
#> $tp_lb$scode
#> [1] "real tp_lb;"
#> $tp_lb$block
#> [1] "data"
#> $tp_lb$position
#> [1] "start"
#> $tp_lb$pll_args
#> [1] "data real tp_lb"
#> $tp_ub
#> $tp_ub$name
#> [1] "tp_ub"
#> $tp_ub$sdata
#> [1] 10
#> $tp_ub$scode
#> [1] "real tp_ub;"
#> $tp_ub$block
#> [1] "data"
#> $tp_ub$position
#> [1] "start"
#> $tp_ub$pll_args
#> [1] "data real tp_ub"
#> $sigma_lb
#> $sigma_lb$name
#> [1] "sigma_lb"
#> $sigma_lb$sdata
#> [1] 0
#> $sigma_lb$scode
#> [1] "real sigma_lb;"
#> $sigma_lb$block
#> [1] "data"
#> $sigma_lb$position
#> [1] "start"
#> $sigma_lb$pll_args
#> [1] "data real sigma_lb"
#> $sigma_ub
#> $sigma_ub$name
#> [1] "sigma_ub"
#> $sigma_ub$sdata
#> [1] 10
#> $sigma_ub$scode
#> [1] "real sigma_ub;"
#> $sigma_ub$block
#> [1] "data"
#> $sigma_ub$position
#> [1] "start"
#> $sigma_ub$pll_args
#> [1] "data real sigma_ub"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "stanvars"